Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 3: Taking on a Personal Challenge! To Gua Tempurung and beyond!

Dear readers,

Do not be alarmed if there is no post later today as internet connection in the nature park is erratic and we may have difficulties updating our blog.

Utmost care will be taken to ensure safety for all participants - so do not worry!

See you on Sunday, if we aren't able to update the blog!

Greendale Contingent to Perak

Day 2: School Visit and Heritage Tour

School Visit

The pupils went on a visit to Tenby International School, Ipoh, today. After a quick breakfast, our convoy made our way to the school and we were formally introduced to the school during assembly.

The pupils were organised into groups and took part in games such as football, netball, basketball and dance. After an hour of games, the pupils joined their Tenby counterparts in clubs and societies, including art and home science, chess, science and technology, etc.

We are very grateful to Tenby International School for being such perfect hosts!

Pomelo Farm

The children got a treat when they witnessed sweet, ripe pomelos hanging from trees. The farm owners were very generous in offering our group lots of fruits- pomelos, bananas, star fruit, and buah chiku!

Heritage Tour

After the school visit, we went on an heritage tour in Ipoh City. We visited the Ipoh Museum, where we learnt about tin mining and how it brought prosperity to Ipoh, and forestry as well.

We also went to visit Birch Memorial, where pupils learnt about different perspectives on an event.

The railway station is our next stop. After a brief stop at the Ipoh tree, the pupils admired the colonial architecture of the stately railway station. They also had a good look at a 93-year-old elevator that can be found in the hotel in the station - the Majestic!

A view of the 93-year-old elevator!


The children had a sumptuous buffet dinner at the restaurant. They had chicken, bean sprouts, fried kway teow and fishballs at dinner. The teachers then conducted a briefing for the next day - when we will have the Caving and Trekking expeditions.

In this picture, they are doing the chicken dance before they start dinner!

Photo Gallery

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day1: Journey to Perak

This day, we will be taking a long-haul coach from Singapore all the way to Perak! Let's observe how the scenery changes along the way!

Singapore-registered vehicles have licence plates that start with an 'S'. Notice how the initial letters on car plates change as we move up north through different states.

Moving off from Greendale Primary School

A big thank you to Miss Foong, Mr Rafik, all the parents and teachers who came to see us off on our exciting trip!

Beautiful Scenery

We witnessed beautiful scenery along the way and as we neared Perak, we saw beautiful mountains and hills covered with lush greenery. It was truly a Kodak moment! :-)

Eating Healthy in Ipoh

The group did not forget to observe healthy eating habits during our trip. We made sure everyone ate well and had lots of fruits and water during lunch and dinner.

Team Bonding Games

Groups are having fun as this blog is being written! The pupils are playing team-building games to promote bonding before their caving and trekking expeditions on Saturday!

Check out these photos!

Photo Gallery

Enjoying the trip. Taken during a washroom stop.

Happy with their hotel rooms!