Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day1: Journey to Perak

This day, we will be taking a long-haul coach from Singapore all the way to Perak! Let's observe how the scenery changes along the way!

Singapore-registered vehicles have licence plates that start with an 'S'. Notice how the initial letters on car plates change as we move up north through different states.

Moving off from Greendale Primary School

A big thank you to Miss Foong, Mr Rafik, all the parents and teachers who came to see us off on our exciting trip!

Beautiful Scenery

We witnessed beautiful scenery along the way and as we neared Perak, we saw beautiful mountains and hills covered with lush greenery. It was truly a Kodak moment! :-)

Eating Healthy in Ipoh

The group did not forget to observe healthy eating habits during our trip. We made sure everyone ate well and had lots of fruits and water during lunch and dinner.

Team Bonding Games

Groups are having fun as this blog is being written! The pupils are playing team-building games to promote bonding before their caving and trekking expeditions on Saturday!

Check out these photos!

Photo Gallery

Enjoying the trip. Taken during a washroom stop.

Happy with their hotel rooms!


DaisyJane said...

From Mohd Iyan:

Hi Mom and Dad,

How are you? I am fine, and have been eating well. I liked my room and my roommates too!

Anonymous said...

From Afiqah and Nabilah:

Hi Mom and Dad:
We saw mountains so high. We took some photos for you to see just how high they are! We slept A LOT during the bus journey because we were so tired!

DaisyJane said...

From Sharmane:

Hi to Mom and Dad,

Pls remind Sherman to sleep early - I will rest early too!

DaisyJane said...

From Shawn:

Hi Mom and Dad,

Today when we reached Perak, one of my friends who has the same birthday as me celebrated our birthdays with the whole group. I feel happy! See u tmr!

DaisyJane said...

From Nevin

Hi Mom, just a note to tell you I am fine!

DaisyJane said...

From Akmal

Mom, I am fine! I like my room mates and it is fun in Perak!

Anonymous said...

From Yao Ting:

Hi Mother!

I am fine and I had fun during our bus trip!

Anonymous said...

From Sheena

Hi Mom, Dad and Brandon!

I have now reached Perak and we are now having a briefing at the hotel. Don't worry about me!

Anonymous said...

Wow,hope every1 have a nice bed and sleep comfortable (^(OO)^)

Sincerely From,

Anonymous said...

from sharmane,
The first day of Perak was great but I started to get worried about my family :(

Anonymous said...

From :Chester,

mum,dad,don't worry about me,i am F I N E .

Anonymous said...

Hi Abang Iyan,

Glad to hear from you. Have a great time there. Don't forget your medicine puff if you are not well.

We love you.

Ibu Azlinah

Anonymous said...

Dear Coen Dardar:

Why you never write to us?
Although just one day, we miss you like decades. Hope you're fine. Eat and sleep well. Please write to us.

From mum,dad and sis.

Anonymous said...

Hello Iyan,

Good to know you are fine and eating well but don't over indulge yourself. Enjoy the trip and don't forget your puff and vick if you are not feeling well.

Miss you already.

Love Along

Anonymous said...

Dearest Murniati..... ur dad, indra, nyai & me miss u so much.... nevertheless we just want you to have fun & enjoy your trip....Take care my dear & WE LUV U......

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday fr Dad, Mom n Ryan. We love u n miss u!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn,

Happy Birthday Shawn! Hope you enjoy this memorable Birthday with your friends at Perak.

Mummy (Mrs Quek)

Anonymous said...

Hi Akmal! How's your day today? Hope you enjoy your independence day with your friends. Take care young man. We missed you sooo much... From Mummy Ida

Anonymous said...

Hi Akmal..
I feel lonely without you.Looking forward to meet you this Sunday.Miss you abang.


Anonymous said...

Hi Afiqah and Nabilah

That's good. It shows you 2 are having fun. Take care and hope you get well. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn,

Wishing you a happy birthday and enjoy yourself during the trip.

Love Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Iyan,

How was your day today? Did you enjoy the activities organize? Hope you enjoyed the Hainanese chicken rice you had earlier...mmm.yummy!!8-)

Have fun and enjoy your team building tomorrow.

Love Along & Aunty Ilah

Anonymous said...

Hello Iyan,

Glad you had a fun learning experience today. Ayah, Ibu, Ilhan, Irfan and Princess Aliyah miss you so much.

Enjoy the trek and cave expedition tomorrow! We hope to hear all your great adventures when you return home.

Luv Ibu Azlinah

Anonymous said...

From Iyan

Thank you for posting. I am happy to hear from you! One more day and I'll be back with you.

I LOVE you people!

Anonymous said...

From Shawn:


I am fine! Thank you for caring for me. I am close to tears because I see your comment you left for me...

Anonymous said...

From Akmal:

Haikal, I miss you too! Wish you were here with me. I am having breakfast now. I had pancakes and hotdogs! yummy!

Anonymous said...

From Yichen

Thank you! I miss you guys too!
I LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

From Murniati

Thank you for posting. I am fine and I miss you too!
Esp Mak! I just had breakfast and I had nasi, telur, and ayam. I am going to Gua tempurung later. It is in Gopeng.

Anonymous said...

From Coen:

Hi, I miss u too! Thank you for posting me a msg. I m hving fun but I long to see u at home.See u on Sunday! come and pick me up ok? :-)

Anonymous said...

From Afiqah

Thank you for wishing me well. I am having fun but yesterday I am not so well. I am ok today so I am going to the cave. hope to see u on sunday. miss u!!!

Anonymous said...

From Nabilah

Hi I had fun yesterday. the food was great. today i am excited cos i am going to gua tempurung. i miss u and i miss my young sisters, how is she? miss u and dad!